National Mammography Day is October 3rd!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and October 3rd is National Mammography Day!  These annual campaigns were created to increase awareness of the disease. These days, most people are aware of breast cancer, but often neglect to take the actions necessary to detect the disease in its early stages when it is most treatable.

Make your Mammogram a Priority

At New River Women’s Health, we want to encourage women to get theirSANAM CAMPBELL, MD yearly mammograms, and invite others to do the same. Breast Cancer is the most common cancer, and the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in women in America. Before the onset of mammography screening, the death rate from advanced breast cancer remained unchanged for 50 years.  Since 1990, this rate has decreased by 30 percent, and recent studies suggest that mammograms may be more effective than previously thought, reducing breast cancer mortality by more than 30 to 60 percent.
It is our goal to educate our patients on the benefits of mammography, and to provide them with the proper resources, so that they may make the best decisions for their well-being. Early detection is key and keeping an annual appointment for a mammogram can save lives.

How do I get a Mammogram?

At your yearly well woman exam, you will receive a breast examination and depending on your age, an order to take to a radiology center for your yearly mammogram. It is important that you schedule your mammogram appointment, and continue to do so on a yearly basis.

Doctor’s Advice

Dr. Campbell recommends yearly well woman exams,  which are the foundation for wellness, health promotion, disease identification and management throughout your life. You are probably already aware that prevention and early detection are the best ways to increase the length and quality of your life. A yearly well woman exam, including a breast exam,  is more than just good medical care.  It gives you the opportunity to learn the best ways to take care of yourself and your family for a lifetime.
Overdue for your yearly exam? Call New River Women’s Health today to schedule your annual well woman exam at 540-605-7566!