Pap Smear: What it is, How Often to have it and Its Importance

2022-07-21T11:15:13-04:00August 1st, 2022|Categories: Blog, Gynecological Services|Tags: , |

When it comes to your reproductive health, certain procedures are needed only once you become sexually active. However, some risk factors may require you to have a pap smear despite your sexual history. According to the American Cancer Society, approximately 14,480 women are likely to get affected by cervical in 2021. With such a forecast, [...]

What’s Normal About Period Pains?

2022-07-21T11:15:24-04:00July 1st, 2022|Categories: Blog, Gynecological Services|Tags: , |

Period pains, also known as menstrual cramps or dysmenorrhea, are those aches and pains women feel during menstruation. It affects most women, with 80% reporting that they have experienced period pains at some point in their lives—however, the type of pain and its intensity range from inconvenient to excruciating. Types & Causes There are two [...]

Health Screenings for Women in Their 20s and 30s

2022-07-21T11:15:52-04:00May 1st, 2022|Categories: Blog, Gynecological Services|Tags: , |

Most women in their 20s and 30s are very busy, with a career, a family, a home, pets, or all of these things at once! It's easy to forget recommended health screenings when busy and relatively healthy. However, health screenings do more than fix health problems. A typical screening for a woman in her 20s [...]

What’s That Lump? How to Identify and Treat Breast Cysts

2022-07-21T11:16:00-04:00April 1st, 2022|Categories: Blog, Gynecological Services|Tags: , |

Breast cysts are fluid-filled sacs that develop in the breast glands. On the surface, they're round, soft, and have distinct edges. Single or multiple cysts may appear on one or both breasts. They're usually non-cancerous but can cause discomfort requiring treatment. New River Women's Health provides information about breast cysts and what you can do [...]

IUD Type

2022-07-21T11:17:05-04:00March 1st, 2022|Categories: Blog, Gynecological Services, Surgical Services|Tags: , |

IUDs, or intrauterine devices, are an increasingly popular form of long-term birth control for women. An IUD is a small metal or plastic T-shaped device inserted through the cervix and into the uterus. Once inserted, they are 99.7% effective and will last between 3 and 12 years, depending on the specific device. There is no [...]

Regular Breast Self-Examination

2022-07-21T11:16:20-04:00February 1st, 2022|Categories: Blog, Gynecological Services|Tags: , |

Cancer is a heartbreaking illness that is very difficult to treat and incredibly painful to go through. Based on 2010-2012 data, 39.6% of Americans are diagnosed with cancer at some point during their lifetime. There are several forms of cancer that can develop in many different ways. Breast cancer is a form of cancer that [...]


2022-07-21T11:16:52-04:00November 1st, 2021|Categories: Blog, Surgical Services|Tags: , |

Gynecological health becomes paramount, especially when problems arise that produce pain and alter the quality of your life. One such problem affecting a large percentage of women is fibroids. Fibroids are abnormal growths made of smooth muscle cells and fibrous connective tissue that develop in the form of tumors in the uterus. They can range [...]

Mammograms Save Lives: Breast Cancer Symptoms and Awareness 

2022-07-21T11:17:16-04:00October 1st, 2021|Categories: Blog, Gynecological Services|Tags: , |

Breast cancer is the second most common form of cancer in women globally, only falling behind non-melanoma skin cancers. The five-year survivability rate of stage 1 breast cancer is about 99%, while stages 2 and 3 have survival rates of around 86% and 28%, respectively. Therefore, early detection is critical to increasing your chances of [...]

SottoPelle® Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men in Blacksburg, VA

2022-07-21T11:18:25-04:00September 1st, 2021|Categories: Blog, Hormone Therapy|Tags: , , |

New River Women’s Health of Blacksburg, Virginia, is proud to offer a safe, effective bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for men who are experiencing the effects of aging and low testosterone. The male sex hormone testosterone produces a deep voice, muscle strength and mass, and facial and body hair. It also gives men a sense of [...]

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